Lights, curtains, music! No? Musical Theatre Month was not quite as theatre-ish as I would have liked. But it still was successful. After all, the goal was to teach students a song from a musical to learn by ear. And I'm pleased to say, everyone did that! And I thought I was going to have the time to put together a video clip to show off all my students playing their pieces to post here. Sadly, I don't have time. 😢ðŸ˜I'll show you my wall décor instead. Do-Re-Mi from The Sound of Music was definitely the most popular song. Which was good for the beginners who picked it, because it's an easy song to learn by ear. After all, in it Maria is teaching the von Trap children how to sing, which uses a lot of ear! Actually, when I was in MYC, we used to sing it to practice our solfege. I teach solfege using scale numbers instead of the syllables, but the song is a good tool to keep in mind. Beauty and the Beast, n...