
Showing posts from April, 2021

April Update

 I went through April, teaching and studying and not giving a thought as to what I was putting on my blog this month. Until I read an e-book on the online-business side of piano studios, and came across a tip to "have original content" on your website/social media.    Original....    What do I have to say that another teacher somewhere else hasn't said already?     Never mind; I'm rambling again.     What did I do this month again? (Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets that feeling!)    Oh, yeah, I taught. Worked on recital songs with my students. Did theory, disguised as games. Speaking of games, I found a strategy that works really well for playing piano board games.  Basically, since I'm just using the laptop's webcam, I tilt the laptop screen downward so the student can see the table. This works well for demonstrating, too!  If you take a snapshot in Skype, you get both parties' views. I chose not to ...

Word of the Week

 Schnell Fast

Word of the Week

 Mit Ausdruck With expression

Word of the Week

 Massig Moderately

Word of the Week

 I almost forgot. :) Lansam Slowly

March Update: Creative Flashes and sheet music for preschool

 In teaching, I have not had a creative flash in a while. At least, not since September or so.    Studying for my ARCT Analysis is not conducive to creative flashes. Neither is the pandemic. (Hey, if we're going to blame something, might as well blame a virus, right? It has no feelings to hurt. ;)    Last week I finally had a creative flash for my in-person students.    I had the need to teach the Circle of 5ths and the desire to keep lessons Easter-themed floating around in my head, and this was the result. Each egg has a key name written on it, and my student's job was to place the right egg on the corresponding key signature. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough mini-baskets to go all the way around, but we got all the keys between B flat major and A major covered. I felt pretty good about myself. :) At least, I did. Until I spilled water - an entire glass of it - on my new Circle of 5ths earlier today. :(    Ahh, yes....  ...