Festival: To register or not to register?
I probably should be writing a New Year's post. However, I'm not. On the flip side, I will quickly say that 2022 has been a very good year, professionally and personally, a year in which I've seen God's blessings in a very tangible way. Praise Him, the Giver of every good and perfect gift! ( James 1:17 ) God is good, all the time -- whether it's 2020, 2022, or 2052. However, the thing on my mind for blogging right now is actually Parkland Music Festival . For those who may not be familiar with music festivals in general, a music festival is an educational opportunity, a performance opportunity, and a competition, rolled into one. Performers, ranging from 5-year-olds to college students, register to enter into an age-and-level appropriate class. One by one, all the members of the class will perform their pieces for an adjudicator, basically a highly skilled, professional musician. After everyone has played, the adjudicator works with each child, giving them...