
Showing posts from January, 2022

January Update: When Online Lessons Don't Go as Planned

  Online lessons definitely have their advantages. No cancelling if your child has mild sniffles, no having to drive on icy roads, easier scheduling because you don't have to drive to my place -- just a few of the benefits.     They also have their challenges. And I'm under the impression that's the part most parents aren't thrilled about.     This last month, I got plenty of practice teaching online. For two weeks, our home was "a kingdom of self-isolation" (to play on Disney's famous song line from "Let It Go") as sickness swept through the family. Then, just as we had all recovered, a couple of my families notified me that they were the ones now sick! So I've been teaching exclusively online for three out of the last four weeks.     Of course, it's January. It's Alberta. That means it's cold. It's also been snowing every other day, and alternating between just above 0 Celsius to -30 Celsius. If you haven't figured out ...

Word of the Week

 Allargando Broadening; becoming slower

Practicing Effectively: Don't Hurt Those Hands!

 I'll admit: I spent a good chunk of my music studying time practicing ineffectively.    That's how I injured my wrists. At least twice.     (To be fair, it was a combination of improper hand position while practicing for hours every day and improper use of garden tools that did it. Still, we all use our hands frequently. If I had been paying better attention to my hands during practice, I might not have overstrained myself while digging. Either way, it was painful. Not something I want my students to repeat.)    So, the things I am about to share are not conclusions I came to on my own. They are things my music teacher shared with me, which he had read. I'm going to try to share some tips with you in a way that is original, but I apologize if I am plagiarizing someone else. (I hope not!)    As you probably guessed from my opening, the first thing I'm going to bring up is how to practice so as to hopefully avoid injury.    ...

Word of the Week

 Tenuto Hold the note for its full value

Word of the Week

 Pesante Weighty, with emphasis

My Story: Comforted

 I have given my tribute to Mr. B ; now, before leaving Mr. B and Mrs. A, it is time for me to give tribute to Mrs. A.    Mr. B's gift was that passion that sparks, then inflames, the love of the music in the soul. Mrs. A's gift was the dignified, quiet, gracious strength of character which is rare in our day and age, and when it is found, is often mistaken for being anything but strength. Today I will share a short incident which may help the reader see why I hold Mrs. A in regard as an excellent role model for young women.     I was fifteen, and busy preparing for, I think it was my Grade 8 exam (maybe Grade 6, I'm not sure), and completely unprepared for a tragedy or crisis. But it did come. My best friend unexpectedly suffered a stroke, an unheard-of thing in my world, and wound up in our local children's hospital.     For about a week, I worried and prayed -- and cried. I had visited my friend in the hospital only the day after her strok...

Can't write. Here's a music joke

 Sorry, all. No inspiring words of wisdom, helpful advice, or cute stories from the studio or my own life today. My brain is not in writing order.    Instead, have a dash of humour to spice up your day.

Word of the Week

 Da capo From the beginning