January Update: When Online Lessons Don't Go as Planned
Online lessons definitely have their advantages. No cancelling if your child has mild sniffles, no having to drive on icy roads, easier scheduling because you don't have to drive to my place -- just a few of the benefits. They also have their challenges. And I'm under the impression that's the part most parents aren't thrilled about. This last month, I got plenty of practice teaching online. For two weeks, our home was "a kingdom of self-isolation" (to play on Disney's famous song line from "Let It Go") as sickness swept through the family. Then, just as we had all recovered, a couple of my families notified me that they were the ones now sick! So I've been teaching exclusively online for three out of the last four weeks. Of course, it's January. It's Alberta. That means it's cold. It's also been snowing every other day, and alternating between just above 0 Celsius to -30 Celsius. If you haven't figured out ...