Throughout my childhood music experiences, there were two messages regularly communicated to me: #1. Fix your hand position . #2. You are playing too loud. My first teacher would bluntly tell me to stop banging on the piano. My second teacher, Mrs. A. , had gentler, more creative ways, but she had to use them frequently (e.g. "This is a lullaby," "Think of your wrists as shock absorbers," etc.). And Every. Single. Festival adjudicator I ever had told me to tone it down. I might not have changed my playing style, but I did get the message. Then came my very first lesson with Mr. B. Oh, I was so nervous. And thrilled. See, I wasn't the kind of girl who followed boys' bands or pop stars. My musical heroes were the people in my own church, those I heard play on a regular basis. And Mr. B. was one of them. In my mind, he was the best. Naturally, I wanted to make a good im...