Urgent: Parkland Music Festival In Need!

Hello, everyone!

   This message just came through from the president of Parkland Music Teacher's Association:

Hello everyone,

I am sorry to report that our music festival this year is in dire financial straits…. L

Our entrant numbers are down by 40% and several of our past generous donors are unable to support us this year.

On the positive side, though – we have an AMAZING fund-raiser in our camp – Dave Kulak, the husband of PMTA treasurer and festival board member Carmen Kulak.

If you can think of any person or business who might be willing to support the PMF – any amount would be most welcome! – please let me know (if you are able provide contact info also, that would be appreciated)  and I will forward the info to the festival committee for follow-up.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

   I know that, everywhere you turn, there's groups asking you to donate. That's partially why I didn't just forward the e-mail to my piano parents. But, if Parkland Music Festival matters to you, and if you can afford to help or know someone who can ... 


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