
Showing posts from September, 2021

Word of the week

Almost forgot.... Accent A note that is louder than the rest 

Setpember's Piano Parent Tip

 Parent tips are hard to write for someone who is not a parent. So imagine my delight when I discovered I'd downloaded a whole sheet of parent tips from somewhere off the internet! (My apologies to the creator of the document. I honestly don't remember where I downloaded it from, and there's no watermark or anything to indicate who the rightful owner is. Whoever you are, thanks a million!)     Here you go: Parents, any thoughts? Is this the right amount of information, or do you want smaller chunks? Can you read the text on the image alright, or should I copy it? Comment below to complain -- I mean, give feedback. ;) 

First Music Video!

I know I already posted this week, but this news is too good to wait.    In August, my friend and I, with the assistance of my brother, did a music video together of a song I had written. And it's up on YouTube now!    The video part didn't turn out that great. The audio is fine, but we didn't realize we were having issues with the camera until after my friend had gone home and we uploaded all the clips to the computer. Then we saw that almost all the footage was somewhat fuzzy. It has to do with my brother's camera being the kind that almost needs manual focus -- or something like that. I don't remember how he explained it to me.    Still, may the words and the melody speak to you and bless you today, whoever you are, wherever you are, and whatever you're going through.  (The video starts at 0:12. Yet another demonstration that we're definitely not professionals at this -- yet!) Blessings! 

Meme Week

 So. Here's how my new blogging schedule works:    Last week I did 'My Story.' This week, you get a meme. I'll try to normally make it an inspirational quote about music or a tip for the students, but I didn't have one this week. Next week, it'll be a tip for parents. After that, it will be time for a monthly update. And so the cycle will go. :)    Now for what you're really interested in:

Word of the Week

 Forte Loud

My Story: Sulking in the Corner

 It's been a while since we've had a 'My Story' post. At least two years and three months, before I decided that getting my ARCT was a good idea. It's about time for another one, don't you think?    So, it goes like this: I'm not spontaneous, and while I like performing (occasionally) now, as an extremely introverted child, that wasn't always the case. Also, I always cried easily. Not proud to admit it -- but it's fact. That should set the stage for this story about... yes, a recital.     It was around Christmas. We were attending a small church (the same one we're still going to) that boasted two piano teachers: my teacher (whom we'll refer to as Mrs. A.), who made me feel comfortable with her quiet, elegant, gracious ways, and the male teacher (we'll call him Mr. B.) whose music prowess was, simply put, dazzling. You'd think there'd be some rivalry, but as it was, he lived nearly two hours away, and she was local. However, he di...

Word of the Week

 Piano Softly

Word of the Week

 Adagio Moderately slowly