April-May-June-July Update (why do I write these again?)


   Honestly, my goal is to blog once every two weeks. 

   Not every three months. 

   Well, let's see how it goes to do a three-month recap all at once! 


   The biggest highlight of April, hands-down, was watching two of my students perform at Showcase. One of those two got recommended for Provincials, and she performed there in May. Whoo-hoo! 

   Meanwhile, in the studio, I began finding out two things, both of which surprised me:
  1. Some of my students were composing. On their own.
  2. When I heard their compositions, I was actually able to help them improve. 
   Now, the reason why #2 is a big deal to me is this: A few years ago, when a student would show me a composition, I'd be in a mental panic. I was proud of them for owning and creating their own music, but I felt helpless to direct them as to improving that music or doing more composing. So the fact that I was able to give input, that we could work on these compositions together, made me realize how far I've come. It was pretty special, actually. 

   And then there's the other kind of student. The kind who acts like they never heard a word you said, but once they finally do here, they never forget. 
   *deep breath* Have you ever seen the repeat signs with two different endings? I was trying to teach that concept to a student. He wasn't getting it. Finally, before his lesson, I took his song, photocopied it twice, cut up all the lines and the endings and such, and when he came, laid it out on the music rack in its literal order. 

   His comment? "Well, why didn't they just write it like that in the first place?" 



   May was, of course, the end of the year -- and that means spring recitals! 

   (Sorry. I don't have pictures because I forgot to ask a family member to take pictures. I'll try and get some from the video later and upload them -- as soon as I get my laptop's really slow video editing program figured out! 

   May was also the month that Provincials happened in Edmonton. Congrats to all participants! It was pretty exciting to watch my Grade 3 student perform. She didn't place in the top five, but I'm still very proud of her! (If someone is going to remind me that pride is a sin -- yes. Not that kind of proud. Very well pleased. 😁)

   This year, due to other commitments the following week, I did not accompany at Provincials. I did accompany at our local Showcase. But I took a pass on Provincials. 

   I did, however, do some accompanying in June.

      I had the privilege of accompanying the Fehr girls from the Fehr Family Band at their violin recital! They each did a lovely, classical solo piece, and then each of them had a separate Schindler's List piece, arranged for piano and violin, that we have been working on. (Yes, these are the same girls that I played with at my friend's wedding back in March. They're wonderful people!)

Now lessons are out for the summer! I hope you all are having a wonderful summer, wherever you are, and I'll try and not wait three months to post an update next time. (But then again... didn't I say that last time? 😏)


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