Your Piano: Setting Up for a Successful Year

A long, long time ago, I wrote a post titled "Where's Your Piano?" The subtitle was, "Someone Else's Thoughts on Where Your Piano Should Be." As you might guess, I didn't spend much time actually writing that post. Instead, as quickly as possible, I included a link to a different blog that had lots of great thoughts. The only good part about that post was the lovely stock photo of a piano on the beach. Today is a redo of that post... because simply linking back to that post seriously isn't enough this time. Most of these ideas are not mine. If you click on the above link, and then the link included in that post, you'll discover where I got most of this from. But this time, I'm actually writing it. So, as you prepare for the school year, here's a few thoughts to make the home practice environment more appealing to your young pianists. If you're new to this, and you're looking at getting a piano, get a good one. An acoustic...