February Update: Tell Me a Story Month is technically not finished

February went like this: January 30, me: "This is nice. If I pull out the Valentine's Day games right now, we have two weeks to play them in. February 3, me: "Wait a minute! It's February! February is a theme month! I was going to do composing, but I don't have a composing theme! Oh, boy, gotta think of a theme, gotta think of a theme...." Evening of February 4: "OK, I give up. I'll just go back to the theme my friend suggested to me way back in August. It'll be Tell Me a Story Month." February 6: "Whew! Got the first week's worksheets done. I'll have to think of decorations next week. I don't have time today before my first students show up in an hour. Besides which, I also don't have ideas." February 12: "Great! I love all these story-bookish pictures I downloaded from the internet, not to mention the adorable cartoon images from Winnie the Pooh, Clifford, etc. Now just to print them and stick...