A Handy List of Never-Asked Questions

When I started blogging, I wanted to put up a FAQ's page. The reason I never did was... I never received any frequently asked questions. :) I mean, other than the basics, like how long are lessons (half an hour every week) and what are your rates (see link below)? Well, piano parents and future piano parents, consider this post your FAQ page. Everything you thought of, and some things you maybe didn't think of! Enjoy the links to other pages and posts, and hopefully it will be helpful to someone somewhere. :) What are your rates? How will I know if piano is a good fit for my child? Why should we choose lessons with you? What are your credentials? Do you offer accompanist services? Should I choose online piano lessons? Is my preschooler too young for piano? What kind of piano should I buy? Any more questions? Please comment below... or click the "What are your rates?" link to go to the Rates & Contact Me page, where you can find my ...