Piano Prep for Parents and Students

Hello, everyone! Yes, normally this is two posts, not one. But as it so happens, this year none of my students are doing a recital for the first time. I still think review is important, but I also think that it can be condensed a bit. ;) So, without further ado! For parents Make sure you and your family arrive at the church on time (a few minutes before 2:30 P.M.). Check the address ahead of time, so you know where you're going! Also please sanitize your hands upon entering. Help your child feel relaxed before the recital. Many children get very nervous before a recital, which doesn't help them play their best! All your children are prepared for this. And, much as we'd like it if everything went perfectly, mistakes do happen and they're not a big deal. Remind them of these things. They will be fine! Please clap for each student when they finish playing. All of them...