When Music Teachers Meet

It was Sunday evening, and various members of PMTA were gathered at one member's home for the Annual General Meeting. Since I've only been a member for less than a year, this was the first time I'd been to one of their meetings. As we were setting up for supper, I asked the president, "So, what goes on in the meeting?"

   She looked at me, and her face instantly displayed drama. With gusto, she replied, "You'll be thrilled, and chilled, and ... bored out of your mind!"


   That's the great thing about hanging around with other artistic minds. There's plenty of room for drama. :)

   Seriously, though, I like getting together with other music teachers, because all of us can talk for hours about music. :) It was a lot of fun comparing notes back and forth and getting to know some of the other teachers. I pick up ideas from these exchanges, including other teachers' favourite methods and new things to include -- or new ways to incorporate familiar things -- in next year's lessons.

   Probably the  neatest thing that happened was when a French Horn player and I were lamenting our inability to improvise. One of the other teachers, who taught a composition workshop that I attended last October, suddenly spoke up and offered to show us one of his tricks. He went to the piano and gave us, not one, but two different tricks for easy improv! So now you know: If you ever hear me improvising away, likely I'm using one of those two tricks. :)

   The meeting itself? I wasn't bored out of my mind (well, except when they were covering the financials), but it wasn't anything exceptionally exciting. Other than one small point which is very exciting to me: Teachers who live just outside of Parkland County (like myself) are now eligible for their students to receive scholarships at Parkland Music Festival!

   I'll close off with a music quote:


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  2. I'm glad you're finding the posts useful! It's been tough for me to find time to post the last few months, but I hope to resume a couple of my series once I take my Advanced Harmony & Counterpoint exam in May.


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