And I'm Back!

It's not quite fall yet, I know, but truth be told, I've missed blogging. As you can see, I didn't upgrade to WordPress, and if you have subscribed to my YouTube channel , you know I haven't done anything on that either. (Although, stay tuned! With the help of a friend who can sing better than me and my camera-savvy brother, I am planning the release of my first-ever music video soon!) I did work on my LinkedIn profile. Not that that's the greatest way to reach you, the parents, but I did connect with a former magazine editor/personal hero that I used to do some copy editing for. That was fun. Anyways. You're not here to read about copy editing. (Maybe I should put that on LinkedIn. It might be more useful.) What's new in my music life? Passing the last exam for my ARCT!!! 😌😄😄😄🎆🎆🎆🎇🎇🎇 Now I'm just waiting for my certificate, which should come sometime between October and December. I ...