Should Christians Listen to Wagner?

Classical music lovers fall into two camps when it comes to Wagner: either they think he's awesome, or they think he's awful. Christians who are into classical music tend to completely shun him without completely knowing why. So then the question becomes, is this a fair case? Growing up, my mom had a pretty good selection of classical music, but Wagner did not make her hit list. I hear rumours about this notorious composer, but then I hit Music History 3 and found that I was expected to actually study him. Of course, by the time one hits their ARCT in music theory, one has also amassed a collection of books that are not textbooks. Let me share with you what I learned about Wagner, and then we'll return to the question: Should Christians (or anyone else for that matter) listen to Wagner's music? In order to answer that question, you have to know where you're going to draw the line as far as what music you will and won't listen to -- and why. Mu...