Rules for Composer Month

Hello, everyone!

   Last spring we had a lot of fun with Composer Month. But this time around, I decided it would be better to do Composer Month in November, and composing in spring. (More on that ... well, in spring. ;)

   So, a quick run over the rules of the game:

  • All students are on a specific composer team.
  • Students gather facts about the composer whose team they're on. There's no limit on how many facts they can collect each week. (While the Internet is the go-to source for a lot of school research like this, don't discount the value of checking out your local library for books or non-fiction videos.)
  • Facts are brought to me at the student's lesson and put up on the composer's poster.
  • The team who gathers the most facts wins the prize -- chocolate! :) Also this year I am doing an "honorable mention" for the person who collects the most points, regardless of whether or not they're on the winning team. That person also gets chocolate. 
I think that's it ... you know where to contact me with any questions. 


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