Blogging updates: Email subscribers, please read

Hello, all, Two quick updates, both of which are very important but also very boring: Thank you to those who have subscribed by email to my blog as I've blogged! I know that you're mostly (all?) my family and friends, and I appreciate your support! You might have gotten an email from Google about FeedBurner going away. I'm no techie, and I'm not sure what all the implications are, but the way I understand it, you might not receive any more blog posts directly in your inbox after July. Which might not matter anyways. I'm thinking of switching to WordPress in the fall. Everyone says it's better. Who am I to argue with the experts? (If you're a WordPress user and have a comment or thought on switching, please... you know.) If I don't switch, I'm sure Blogger will create a different widget, so you'll have to go through the process again if you want to stay subscribed. At any rate, you won't be missing much over the summer. I know I haven'...