Online Piano Lessons Might Be Right for You If ...

Today I started a course from Music Teacher's Helper that was all about teaching piano online.
The course has made me feel more positive and confident about offering online lessons. It showed me that, yes, there are advantages for students taking lessons online. And the disadvantages? They're hurdles I can overcome, not roadblocks that will stop me. Most of all, that first lesson has assured me that online lessons are something that students can enjoy and learn from, just as much as in-person lessons.
So on to what you really want to know: Are online lessons right for you? Well, based on my first course module and my experience, here's my thoughts. Online lessons might be right for you if:
- you like the idea of taking lessons from home. Some children actually find this more comfortable than going somewhere for lessons.
- your schedule would make it difficult to drive to a piano teacher's studio every week (you could save a lot of drive time and still get the teacher of your choice if lessons are online ;).
- you are willing and interested in being involved in your child's lesson. If you've read my blog in the past, you know I'm all for parents being involved in their children's music. Believe me -- no one makes as much an impact on your child's music as you do!
- your child is highly independent and self-motivated. My observation these past few months was that online worked better with older children than younger ones.
- you have good internet. 😆
In case you're wondering, yes, I am now offering online lessons for the upcoming fall. :) Click here to gget in touch with me!
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