Are you back into the swing yet?

 Today's post is for your budding musicians! 

   We're one week back into lessons. Students, have you gotten back into your piano routine yet? If not, I want to share some things with you today that will help you in your practice routine. Ready? Let's go!

<a href="">Image by pvproductions</a> on Freepik

  • Try to practice at the same time every day. The earlier you do it, the less likely you are to forget it. If you're really ambitious, and your family doesn't mind, you can try practicing before you head off to school. (Make sure your playing isn't waking the rest of your family up!) For most of you, that might not work so well, so set a time that works for you and stick to it -- every day as much as possible! 
  • While you practice, watch your hand position! You all know what good hand position should look like. Make sure you check your hands every once in a while to make sure you're actually doing it right. For that matter, check your posture too. Your back, shoulders, and wrists will thank you! 
  • Songs are the best part of practicing! But your technique and sight reading are important too. Wunderkeys primer students, make sure you do your Practice on the Pathway every day, before you play your songs. Piano Safari students, use your sight-reading cards at home! Put a check mark in pencil by all the cards you've already done. Older students, did you remember to do your scales and chords? Just as importantly, did you check to make sure you were using the right finger numbers? 
  • Take your practice seriously -- but not too seriously. 😉 After you've done the hard stuff, take some time to make up your own song, pick out a song you love by ear, or play an old song that you had fun learning -- whatever makes you happy about piano! 
P.S. The fact that it's Dinosaur Month in the studio, and that I make no secret of the fact that I am a Christian, is a rather large elephant in the room, isn't it? So this month, I'm going to share the link to a dinosaur-related article from my favourite science website. Yes, this website includes many articles from men and women of faith who are also PhD scientists. Hopefully it will help you understand why dinosaurs and faith are at no contradiction in my mind! The first one is about the 'Age of Dinosaurs.' 


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